Politikat mjedisore të bankës

Mission statement
  • Mission statement
  • Bank structure
  • Business ethics
  • Bank environmental policy
  • Complaints
  • Compliance
  • Whistleblowing System
  • Financial publications

A Bank Dedicated to Protecting the Environment

ProCredit Bank is a development-oriented bank which engages in responsible banking activities. Part of this responsibility is acting in accordance with predefined social, ethical and environmental standards. 
A responsible approach to environmental protection is an important part of ProCredit Bank’s social responsibility and a value embedded into our banking philosophy.

Taking measures to reduce environmental pollution and facing up to current climate changes are issues that need to be addressed urgently. Environment protection is the responsibility of each and every one of us, regardless of who we are or what we do. To support this, ProCredit Bank’s Environmental Committee is committed to implementing policies that are in line with the bank’s approach to managing the environmental impact of both the institution and its customers.

ProCredit Bank Environmental Policies are aimed at reducing the environmental impact of our activities by integrating and implementing environmentally friendly procedures into a comprehensive operational system that has a direct influence on saving energy and thus reducing the release of carbon dioxide. We provide information on environmental issues and strive to raise the awareness of our employees, customers and the public by supporting civil initiatives in environmental protection, etc.

ProCredit Bank’s environmental policy is based on three pillars:

Internal Environmental Management System Environmental Risk Management in Lending Green Loans
Internal Environmental Management System aims to optimise the bank’s internal environmental performance, making investments in the branch infrastructure which foster efficient energy use, reducing the use of plastic materials, recycling paper, etc Environmental Risk Management in Lending - we also set standards to limit the impact of lending on the environment by assessing loans based on environmental criteria. Through the incorporation of environmental issues in the loan approval process, ProCredit Bank also contributes to raising clients’ awareness of environmental protection, reducing the use of plastic materials, recycling paper, etc. Green Loans - are credit facilities designed specifically for energy-saving investments, investments in renewable energy sources and other environmentally friendly investments. By financing such investments, we contribute to the promotion of environmentally friendly businesses and homes, and at the same time stimulate the green economy in Kosovo.