Sistemi i sinjalizimit

Mission statement
  • Mission statement
  • Bank structure
  • Business ethics
  • Bank environmental policy
  • Complaints
  • Compliance
  • Whistleblowing System
  • Financial publications

ProCredit Bank is strongly committed to responsible banking. Our moral compass is guided by our development-oriented principles, which in turn are deeply rooted in the concept of human dignity. This implies, and requires, the application of very strict self-imposed ethical standards, which go beyond mere compliance with the legal and regulatory environment. These standards form the core of our mission statement and corporate values, but they can only thrive if they are effectively transmitted, understood and embraced by all employees as well as the external parties we choose to deal with. 

Consequently, we are strongly committed to detecting and preventing any potential illegal, fraudulent or unethical behaviour encountered during our operations, and to follow up closely until final resolution of the issue. One of the tools enabling fulfilment of this objective is our whistleblowing system, which enables employees or members of the general public to pass on information concerning suspicions of fraud or other violations of ethical and legislative standards, including environmental and social concerns.

We encourage every ProCredit employee, every client and every member of the general public to raise their issues of concern, and to speak up through the whistleblowing system by sending an email to Issues raised through this channel will be received and addressed by the Management Board members, the Head of Internal Audit and the Head of Compliance.

We value open communication and would like to encourage you to state your name and contact details when submitting your issue of concern, so that we can communicate back to you if necessary. However, if you choose to remain anonymous, we completely understand and respect your decision. Regardless of your choice, please rest assured that your report will be handled confidentially, and will be processed in line with the legitimate interests of all parties involved, to the extent possible under the law.